Tuesday 27 September 2011

Troll Rules for Enjoying Whisky

Hmmm, the Old Troll enjoyed the blind tasting over the weekend, but now he is wondering what the experts say about the two drams sampled.  So, let’s see, the JM book rated them both similarly low, but in the opposite order.  So is JM right or the Old Troll?  NEITHER!  There is no right or wrong here, this Troll is just discovering his own tasting preferences.

Troll Rule 1:          Every Troll Tastes Different
(Anyone who has ever had roasted troll knows this to be true.  Clown trolls especially taste funny.)

Also notice that the more expensive malt ended up on the bottom of the Old Troll’s favourite list.

Troll Rule 2:         Just because it is more expensive doesn’t mean you will enjoy it more.

Next on the table for a double blind Troll tasting is:
·         Aberlour 12
·         Cragganmore 12

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